Facebook Ads Cost In 2020 – ADCostly

At the end of October 2020, Facebook released its Q3 financial statement. Advertising revenue for the third quarter of 2020 was $21,221, an increase of 22% year-on-year. Facebook ads cost is a very important factor for advertisers. CPC, CPM, CTR, CPA, ROI and Roas in different industries and time play a very important role in our advertising effectiveness. ADCostly aggregates the average CPC, CPM, CPA and CTR data under the influence of different factors in 2020. These benchmark data will help you.

2020 Average CPC Facebook Ads Cost Analysis

The full name of CPC is cost per click, which refers to the cost you need to pay for per-click ads in PPC or pay-per-click campaigns. The CPC calculator is often used to calculate CPC, and you need to pay attention to the average CPC benchmark cost. The average CPC in 2020 is $0.3. Next is a detailed CPC cost analysis.

In 2020, game advertising CPC prices are generally high. The top three are role-playing game advertising, strategy game advertising and automotive advertising. Adventure games also have an average CPC of more than $1. Non-game advertising CPC prices are all Generally low.

The average CPC situation of some statistical countries in 2020 is as shown in the figure above. The top five countries/areas are Korea, Japan, the United States, Hong Kong (China), and Canada. Korea has the highest average CPC with a price of $1.78, and Japan, which ranks second, has an average CPC of $1.23. India, Mexico, Egypt have low average CPC, and prices are generally lower than 0.2%.

In 2020, the average CPC shows an upward trend in age. As the age increases, the average CPC is also rising. The average CPC for 13-17 years old is less than $0.1, and the average CPC for users aged 65+ exceeds $0.35.

In the first two quarters of 2020, the average CPC for male was lower than that for female, and the CPC for male exceeded that for female in Q3. The average CPC for female has been declining in 2020, and the current average CPC is higher than $0.25.

In 2020, different publishers have different average CPCs. Instagram has maintained the highest average CPC in the three quarters, with a price higher than $0.4, but as time increases, CPC is gradually decreasing. Messenger has maintained a stable average CPC price, which has been between $0.1 and $0.2. Audience_Network’s average CPC in Q3 has increased greatly, which may be a good advertising channel.

2020 Average CPM Facebook Ads Cost Analysis

CPM stands for Cost per Mille, which refers to the cost you need to pay for every 1,000 people in a PPC or pay-per-click campaign that sees your ad. The CPM calculator is often used to calculate CPM, and you need to pay attention to the average CPM benchmark cost. The average CPM in 2020 is $0.3. Next is a detailed CPM cost analysis.

The average CPM cost in 2020 is generally higher than that of CPC. The top three CPM industries are role-playing games, family games, and adventure games. Gaming ad CPM is also generally higher than non-gaming ad CPM, but the gap between the two is not big. The average CPM of book ads is higher than $7, which is the industry with the highest average CPM of non-games.

The three countries with the highest average CPM in 2020 are the United States, Korea and Australia. The average CPM in the United States reached $15.03, the average CPM in Korea was $13.25, and the average CPM in Australia exceeded $10.00. India, Mexico and Egypt are still the three countries with the lowest CPM.

It has the same rule as the average CPC. As the age continues to increase, the average CPM also continues to increase. The average CPC is less than $1 for users aged 13-17, and the average CPM for users aged 65+ is higher than $9.

In 2020, the average CPM of different genders is increasing over time, and the average CPM of male has been lower than that of female. In Q3, both male and female reached the highest average CPM. The average CPC for male exceeded $3.5, and the average CPM for female exceeded $4.

The average CPM in 2020 has different prices among the four publishers. Audience_Network has the highest average CPM, and as time increases, the CPM continues to decrease. The average CPM of Instagram and Facebook remains the same, with little overall change. Messenger has the lowest average CPM, never exceeding $1.

2020 Average CTR Facebook Ads Cost Analysis

CTR stands for Click Through Rate. It represents the number of clicks per unit of impression in a PPC or pay-per-click campaign that sees your ad. You need to pay attention to the average CTR benchmark. The average CTR in 2020 is 1.24%. Next is a detailed CTR analysis.

In 2020, the average CTR data in different industries is quite different from CPC and CPM. The higher average CTR is non-game advertising, and the top three are news and magazine advertising, Page advertising, and B2B advertising. The highest average CTR for games is casual game ads.

The average CTR of different countries will be relatively close, Australia, Brazil and Mexico occupy the top three average CTR. Countries with an average CTR exceeding 1.40% include Pakistan, Spain, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, India and the United States. It is worth noting that the average CPC and CPM of India and Mexico are very low, but the average CTR is very high.

The average CTR shows a different trend in age. The average CTR of the audience between the ages of 55-64 is the highest, and the average CTR of the audience aged 65+ has declined. At the same time, the average CTR of the audience aged 13-17 has a small difference from the average CTR of the audience aged 18-24. Except for the audience aged 13-17, the average CTR of other audiences is higher than 1%.

The gender trend of average CTR is consistent with CPM, the average CTR of different genders is increasing over time, and the average CTR of male has been lower than that of female. In Q3, both male and female reached the highest average CTR. The average CTR for male exceeded 1.2%, and the average CTR for female exceeded 1.6%.

Audience_Network’s average CTR is generally higher than Messenger, Instagram and Facebook. The Audience_Network average CTR in Q2 exceeded 3%, but the average CTR in Q3 dropped to less than 1.5%. Messenger, Instagram and Facebook show the same characteristics, Q2 average CTR is the lowest in a year.

2020 Average CPA Facebook Ads Cost Analysis

The full name of CPA is Cost per Action, which refers to the cost incurred by users who complete certain actions after seeing the advertisement and clicking on it. The CPA calculator is often used to calculate CPA, and you need to pay attention to the average CPA benchmark cost. Next is a detailed CPA cost analysis.

The average CPA gap between different industries is very large. The top three average CPA are card game advertisements, casual game advertisements and family game advertisements. Their average CPA exceeds $15.00. About half of the industries have an average CPA of more than $5.00, but some non-game ads have an average CPA of less than $3.00, such as apps, pages, and so on.

The three countries with the highest average CPA are South Korea, the United States and Australia. The average CPA of Canada and Japan also exceeds $10.00. The average CPA of India and Egypt are still the lowest, and the average CPA is less than $1.00.

The average CPA varies greatly in different age ranges. The average CPA for those aged 13-17 is less than $1.0, and the average CPA for those aged 55-64 exceeds $6.0. The average CPA of the audience aged 65+ is lower than that aged 55-64.


The 2020 Facebook ads cost analyzed by ADCostly provides a lot of data. If you have more questions about advertising costs, you can contact ADCostly. If you need to control advertising costs, you can refer to How To Control Marketing Cost On Facebook?