What is the average CPM in India?

The average CPM in India is $0.67 and the last period is $0.69, with a 3% decrease. CPM will be affected by factors such as time and industry. Of course, the data of different countries will be quite different. In this article, the average CPM in India will be analyzed in terms of time, industry, publisher, gender, and age.

Average CPM by quarters

In 2020, affected by the Covid-19, the advertising industry CPM has experienced data fluctuations. The average CPM in India in Q1 is $0.75, the average CPM in India in Q2 is $0.58, and the average CPM in India in Q3 is $0.77. From the data point of view, the average CPM of Q2 has dropped significantly, but the average CPM of Q3 has rebounded significantly, even exceeding Q1. Although there are fluctuations, the overall data has not changed much.

Average CPM by industry

The top three industries in India’s 2020 average CPM ranking are adventure, role playing and strategy. There are four industries with an average CPM of more than $1.50, and these four industries are all gaming industries. In all the data, we can see that the CPM of the non-game industry is lower than the game industry’s. And music has the lowest average CPM, the price is $0.08.

Average CPM by publisher

The average CPM of Audience Network in India is the highest among the four publishers, and the average CPM of Messenger is $0.44, which occupies the lowest average CPM. There is not much difference between the CPM of Instagram and Facebook in India, and the price is about $0.6.

Average CPM by gender

In India, the average CPM of men is $0.67, the average CPM of women is $0.55, and the average CPM of men is higher than that of women. This is inconsistent with the global gender CPM data. Generally speaking, the average CPM of women is higher than that of men.

Throughout the year, the average CPM of men has always been higher than that of women. The average CPM presents a “V” shape. In April 2020, the average CPM is the lowest in 2020, and then it gradually rises.

Average CPM by age

Indian audiences aged 13-17 have the lowest CPM, with an average CPM of $0.33. And Indian audiences aged 25-34 have the highest CPM, with an average CPM of $0.72. After the age of 35, the average CPM has shown a downward trend. The average CPM of 65+ Indian audiences is $0.56.

Looking at the whole year, the average CPM of all age groups showed a trend of first decline, then rise and then decline. The average CPM of all age groups did not exceed $1.

Comparing age and gender together, we find that men aged 25-34 have the highest average CPM, and men aged 18-24 have the biggest difference in average CPM. After the age of 45, the average CPM of men and women remained stable.


India’s average CPM is lower than other countries, regardless of age, gender, and publisher, the average CPM does not exceed $1. It is worth noting that the male CPM of the Indian audience will be higher. I hope that these data can help you calculate Facebook advertising costs.

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