How much does web ad cost? [2020 Update]
It is a well-known fact that most of the Internet is run through advertising. The Internet, like TV and radio stations, earns revenue from advertising, and users get free content from advertising. But most people agree that paid web promotion can indeed bring a large number of users. Facebook’s 2020 Q2 quarterly financial report shows that the average DAU in June 2020 was 1.79 billion, an increase of 12% year-on-year. This is a very large audience group, so it is effective to place web ads on Facebook.

But before you dive into the field of Facebook advertising, here are some web advertising-related content that can help you on your journey. The Web can generally be classified into four parts: B2B (leads), Ecom, Page, and Site. In different areas, the advertising cost benchmarks will change when advertising is placed. Next is a web ad cost report for 2020, which will bring you some gains.
Web overall advertising cost benchmark
From January to September 2020, the average CPC for web advertising is $0.23, the average CPM is $4.18, and the average CTR is 1.83%. The average CPC price has not changed much throughout the year, fluctuating around $0.2. CTR is in a steady upward trend, and there was a big increase in September. The price of CPM fluctuates to a certain extent, but the overall trend is on the rise. In September, there was an increase, and the highest value reached $6.62, which was more than the average CPM by $2.44.
Ecom advertising cost benchmark
From January to September 2020, the average CPC for Ecom advertising is $0.24, the average CPM is $5.78, and the average CTR is 2.39%. The average CPC price has not changed much throughout the year, fluctuating around $0.23, which is obviously higher than the overall average CPC price of the Web. CTR is in a trend of rising first and then falling. It reached the highest value of CTR in August and declined in September, but it is still higher than the overall average CTR price of the Web. The price of CPM fluctuates to a certain extent, but it is also on an upward trend, reaching the highest price of $8.44 in September.
B2B (leads) advertising cost benchmark
From January to September 2020, the average CPC for B2B (leads) advertising is $0.27, the average CPM is $7.15, and the average CTR is 2.62%. The average CPC's price changes during the whole year are higher than others, with the highest price reaching $0.36. CTR varied between 2% and 3%, and there was a downward trend in September. The price of CPM fluctuates greatly, the average CPM is above $6, but there was a downward trend in September, with the lowest price of $4.44.
Page Advertising Cost Benchmark
From January to September 2020, the average CPC for Page ads is $0.08, the average CPM is $2.48, and the average CTR is 3.19%. Page's average CPC is the lowest among all webs, and the highest price is only $0.12. CTR fluctuates around 3%, and there is an upward trend in September. The price of CPM fluctuates greatly. From March to September, the average CPM has been on an increasing trend, from $1.72 to $3.41.
Site advertising cost benchmark
From January to September 2020, the average CPC for B2B (leads) advertising is $0.24, the average CPM is $3.38, and the average CTR is 1.41%. The average CPC price has not changed much throughout the year, fluctuating around $0.2. CTR fluctuates around 2%, and there is an upward trend in August. The price of CPM fluctuates greatly. The average CPM is between $2.5 and $4, with two major fluctuations.
Ecom and B2B (leads) are the higher cost benchmarks in Web advertising, and the cost of Page and Site is cheaper than the former. B2B (leads) has the highest average CPM price, and Page has the lowest average CPC price. If you want to place web-related ads on Facebook, then these advertising cost benchmarks will definitely help your advertising budget. If you need more and more detailed data, you can select more filters in ADCostly to query the latest data.