The Puzzle category facebook ads cost in Korea March 2019

The "Puzzle" is a common category in Facebook advertising. According to ADCostly advertising cost data, "Puzzle" has 100963500 audience in Facebook. But many people often don't know Puzzle Facebook ads cost benchmarks, which wastes a lot of money. The following is the Puzzle category facebook ads cost in Korea March 2019.

  • The Puzzle category average CPC in Korea March 2019 is $0.27
  • The Puzzle category average CPM in Korea March 2019 is $5.19
  • The Puzzle category average CPA in Korea March 2019 is $4.95
  • The Puzzle category average CTR in Korea March 2019 is 1.89%

However, some benchmarks can't help us reduce advertising budgets, and advertisers often need more detailed data(Such as Facebook interest list). In order to solve the problem of high advertising costs, ADCostly compiled the following Puzzle Facebook ads cost report by category to help advertisers make better advertising budget. It is worth mentioning that AdTargeting is a Facebook interest targeting tool. Used together with ADCostly can help you make better ad marketing. If you need more professional information, please check adcostly and Facebook cpc by category 2021.

The Puzzle Category Average CPC in Korea March 2019

Category Puzzle
Average CPC benchmark $0.27 (benchmark)
Gender - Male 7.41% greater than benchmark
Gender - Female 11.11% less than benchmark
Age - 13-17 29.63% less than benchmark
Age - 18-24 0% less than benchmark
Age - 25-34 14.81% greater than benchmark
Age - 35-44 7.41% less than benchmark
Age - 45-54 37.04% less than benchmark
Age - 55-64 55.56% less than benchmark
Age - 65+ 59.26% less than benchmark

First of all, PPC advertising is a common way for the Puzzle category advertising marketing. The Puzzle category average CPC is $0.27 (benchmark). From the perspective of gender, the average CPC of Male is higher, and its cost is 7.41% greater than the average benchmark. The average CPC cost of Female will be cheaper.

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From the perspective of age, the average CPC cost in the "25-34" range is the highest, and the average CPC in the "18-24" age range ranks second. The two age groups with the lowest average CPC costs are 65+ and 55-64. In the age range, the older the age, the more cost is spent in advertising, because as the age increases, the number of people using the Internet decreases, and the advertising costs are higher.

# Placement Publisher CPC
1 messenger_inbox messenger 225.93% greater than benchmark
2 rewarded_video audience_network 40.74% greater than benchmark
3 instagram_stories instagram 18.52% greater than benchmark
4 an_classic audience_network 14.81% greater than benchmark
5 video_feeds facebook 11.11% greater than benchmark

Among all Facebook advertising publishers, Facebook NewsFeed and Instagram are the most popular, but Audience Network and Messenger also have good advertising effects. The above CPC data shows that messenger_inbox placement cost the most CPC, and the second place is the rewarded_video placement. Facebook provides a total of 16 placements of advertising, and more data can be queried through ADCostly.

Puzzle Category Average CPM in Korea March 2019

Category Puzzle
Average CPM benchmark $5.19 (benchmark)
Gender - Male 6.36% less than benchmark
Gender - Female 13.87% greater than benchmark
Age - 13-17 26.2% less than benchmark
Age - 18-24 0.96% greater than benchmark
Age - 25-34 25.05% greater than benchmark
Age - 35-44 59.92% greater than benchmark
Age - 45-54 40.66% greater than benchmark
Age - 55-64 125.82% greater than benchmark
Age - 65+ 38.73% less than benchmark

The CPM advertising is charged by the number of impressions, so the cost of CPM advertising will generally be lower than CPC advertising, but the effect may not. 2019 March Puzzle category average CPM is $5.19 (benchmark). Analyzing CPM data from the gender, the average CPM of Male is lower than Female. Female average CPM is 13.87% greater than average benchmark.

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The average CPM cost trend about age is similar to the CPC trend. The average CPM cost in the "55-64" range is the highest, and the average CPM in the "35-44" age range ranks second. The two age groups with the lowest average CPM cost are "65+" and "13-17". Detailed average CPM data of age and gender can be queried by ADCostly.

# Placement Publisher CPM
1 feed facebook 13.29% greater than benchmark
2 instagram_stories instagram 49.33% less than benchmark
3 messenger_inbox messenger 31.79% less than benchmark
4 instream_video facebook 113.87% greater than benchmark
5 feed instagram 10.4% greater than benchmark

Among all Facebook platforms, the top five with the highest average CPM costs are feed, instagram_stories, messenger_inbox, instream_video, feed, and their corresponding publishers are facebook, instagram, messenger, facebook, instagram. The 2021 ad placement cost and strategy can help you make better CPM advertising budget.

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Puzzle Category Average CPA in Korea March 2019

Action Cost Benchmarks
All Actions $4.95
Activate App 98.9% less than benchmark
Install 78.79% less than benchmark
Complete Registration 44.93% less than benchmark
Add to cart 4.33% less than benchmark
Purchase 123.61% greater than benchmark

Among all actions, Facebook’s average CPA is $4.95. And the average cost of different actions varies greatly. Generally speaking, the cost of "install" and "Activate App" is much lower than that of "Add to cart" . 2019 March Puzzle category average cost per install is 78.79% less than benchmark. The cost of "Add to cart" behavior is much higher than this. For more details, please check the website cost per click calculator and spy on tiktok ads.

Male Female
All age $0.23 $0.38
18-24 43.48% less than $0.23 60.53% less than $0.38
25-34 4.35% less than $0.23 23.68% less than $0.38
35-44 34.78% greater than $0.23 23.68% greater than $0.38
45-54 65.22% greater than $0.23 57.89% greater than $0.38
55-64 108.7% greater than $0.23 97.37% greater than $0.38
65+ 108.7% greater than $0.23 123.68% greater than $0.38

Looking at the CPA data from gender and age, the average CPA for male is about $0.23, and the average CPA for female is about $0.38. There is a big gap in different age ranges. The highest female CPA age range is "65+" and the lowest is "18-24". Males have the highest CPA cost in the "55-64" age group, and the lowest CPA cost in the "18-24" age group.

Puzzle Category Average CTR in Korea March 2019

category Puzzle
Average CTR benchmark 1.89% (benchmark)
Gender - Male 11.11% less than benchmark
Gender - Female 31.75% greater than benchmark
Age - 13-17 8.47% greater than benchmark
Age - 18-24 2.65% greater than benchmark
Age - 25-34 8.99% greater than benchmark
Age - 35-44 77.25% greater than benchmark
Age - 45-54 130.16% greater than benchmark
Age - 55-64 398.94% greater than benchmark
Age - 65+ 50.26% greater than benchmark

2019 March Puzzle category average CTR is 1.89% (benchmark), this is a good click-through rate, if your ad can exceed the click-through rate, then it is developing well. The gender data of CTR shows that the average CTR of Male is lower than Female, so you can get more clicks for Female advertising.

Different from CPC and CPM, the average CTR shows the opposite trend in the age group. The average CTR of "55-64" age range is the highest, and the average CTR of "45-54" age range ranks second. The two age groups with the lowest average CTR are "18-24" and "13-17". The younger the age, the higher the click-through rate. This presents a different trend from CPC and CPM.

Placement Publisher CTR
messenger_inbox messenger 78.84% less than benchmark
video_feeds facebook 70.37% less than benchmark
instream_video facebook 296.83% greater than benchmark
facebook_stories facebook 120.63% greater than benchmark
feed facebook 29.63% greater than benchmark

Among all Facebook platforms, the top five with the highest average CTR are messenger_inbox, video_feeds, instream_video, facebook_stories, feed, and their corresponding publishers are messenger, facebook, facebook, facebook, facebook.

Final Thoughts

2019 March Puzzle category Facebook ads cost report in Korea is over here, hope these data can help you make cost less ad. Of course, if you need to obtain the interest list during Facebook advertising, you can view it in ADCostly's audience report. The advertising cost of each interest can also be viewed on the audience function page. Please check the following websites for more information: clothing ad.

The data in this article still doesn't meet your requirements? 2019 Puzzle category Facebook ads cost report for other months can be viewed here.